Corona and Beliefs
Our science has brought considerable success in recent years. Technological progress has also contributed to achievements in medical science, which have helped us achieve the status quo in all areas of medicine and have given rise to a multitude of specialties. This progress is met with enormous confidence. This trust is so unshakable that statements of a scientist, immediately perceived as “truth”, reach our consciousness unfiltered.
Cobb offers his opponent his ability to plant a thought into an opponent’s head, which then controls him continuously. In this scene from the film Inception, Cobb asks the following question: “What is the most resilient parasite? […] An idea. Resilient… highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. […] An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you.”
Is science “belief” or law?
We associate science least of all with faith. But there are differences. There are laws that are unchangeable but can be researched and learned. These are for example the laws of nature known to us as part of science. (Natural) laws form a recurring fixed function. Through observation, a recurring result can be determined. No generalization is necessary. For theories and hypotheses, however, there are no fixed laws. It is understood as an equal component of science, which is examined with empirical science from connections and correlations. These are then assigned probabilities. The investigated facts are considered under the influence of single or several factors. An investigation can be reproduced, but the result is different; so that one inevitably gives or denies faith to an investigation. The foundation of empirical science is “faith” in correctly made assumptions, relevant correlations and experience. Unless there is a 100% law for a process under investigation so that you can investigate it, a fact is based on your ‘faith’.
Faith as a driving force
In contrast to the laws of nature, a simple “belief” is sufficient for theories, e.g. evolutionary theory. But then what makes this science so successful?
The basis of our actions is always trust. This is not really new. Trust establishes the invisible “spiritual” connection to other people or beings. However, this connection does not necessarily have to be based on positive experiences, but only on experiences. If I now receive information from a “trust” source, I am faced with the decision to believe or to reject it.
Every human being therefore checks incoming information for its truth content in fractions of seconds. At the end of the decision process an action is pending. Since we cannot or do not want to understand everything, “trustworthy” sources with a large amount of experience are now preferred when making a decision. Many experiences lead to a subconscious, convincing certainty. Example bus timetable: If you think you will get to the bus in time, you will start walking. If you do not believe it, you wait for the next one. Example Corona: If you believe that a face mask of one type protects you from infections, then you certainly will wear this mask. Even if science later revokes it. When science classifies surfaces as a danger of infection, people start to disinfect the surfaces. Some still do it afterwards, after the all-clear has been given. The belief in the “right thing” explains the confusion and contradiction in medical science. Obedience is based on “faith” in medical science.
What should I do?
Thoughts are always the result of thinking about incoming information. From the film scene there is the interesting statement that a thought is more resistant than viruses, bacteria and germs. Now check your actions with incoming information. Who do you trust? On whose word do you listen? Maybe you now understand why news, presence of well-known people, advertising and brands have a lasting effect on your life and your decisions. You trust without wanting to, or ever having decided to, really want to. Corona has only to do with “faith” in science. A belief that relies on statistical calculations, age correlation and suspected risks of infection and relies on calculated risks and fears. Ask yourself why you do what you do!
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